Nestled in the heart of the Galilee, adjacent to the beautiful village of Kerem Ben Zimra, Dalton Winery is a gem that derives its excellence from the skills of its people and the natural gifts of its surroundings.
Established in 1995 by father and son Mat and Alex Haruni, the two identified the potential of the Upper Galilee, envisioning it as a premium wine producing region.
Bringing to the area international winemaking...
Tasting Note
Pink Moscato is a sweet, refreshing and aromatic wine with a mild effervescence on the palate, the wine is showing hints of peaches melons and nectarines. The winemaker has found the perfect balance between aroma sweetness and acidity.
Food Pairing
suitable accompaniment for most deserts such as fresh fruit, cakes and puddings. Moscato’s low alcohol makes it particularly suitable for use over Passover.